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Showing posts from May, 2011

The Occupations of Satan’s Dupes

In The Names of The Almighty El Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Giver of Faith, The All-Knowing Christ, The True Savior, and The Divine Destroyer, We Recite. Tuesday, May 24, 2011 Blog # 67 Despite all The Words of Life that are Delivered through This Divine Instrument of El Ahezaah’s Wise Being of Life That Masters all worlds of all things, a blind fool, one who believes the illusions of Life that he sees of himself are The Ultimate Realities of his Real Being of Life, about Which he has no True Knowledge, said for Our Messenger, who Speaks for Us, to “grow up” and “to get a life!” If this person was not so pitiful in his lack of insight, he’d be laughable. However, he is pitiful and unworthy of any worthwhile response directed to him from Us. Nevertheless, there are many among mankind that need to be aware that it is people like this one who are on their jobs for the devil, uselessly working in their diligence on designs of ho...

The Goal and the Unavoidable Journey

In The Names of The Almighty El Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Creator, The Destroyer, The Resurrecting True Savior, The Light of Truth in The Path of The Way, The Essence of The Path in The Way to It, The Thing of It That Is The Christ of your Awakening in True Knowledge, The Source of Knowledge for The Journey in your Furtherance to The Opening of It, The Opener At The End of your Journey to The Goal of Its’ Opening, The End of you At The Beginning of It in The Opening of Its’ Endless Being of Reality On The Other Side of This Material World of Mind That It Alone Brings you Into, The Real Awareness of The Truth That you are Brought Into, The Truth That Is Infinitely Real, We Recite. Completed Friday, May 20, 2011 Blog # 66 Are you one of the guilty rejecters of Ahezaah El-Aah Amen that does things against The Spirit in Essence of The True Faith, like eating fruit from the Forbidden Tree in The Garden of The Faith (Eden / Id-Deen), in order to st...

The Flexibility of Religious Philosophies

In The Names of The Almighty El Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Giver of Faith, The All-Knowing, The True Savior, We Recite. Completed Saturday, May 14, 2011 Blog # 65 What is true of Ahezaah El-Amen’s Holy Covenants concerning the religion that was Chosen by The Lord Wise of The Throne of Sovereignty Over All things and Sent down to Earth for mankind in The Possession of El’s Holy Angelic Spirits to the Holy Covenanting Messengers of El is the fact that there was never any flexibility Authorized by The Lord of The Throne for a servant to compromise right with wrong in the Straight Path of the Way. There is still nothing Given to compromise unless a servant of El is literally forced by an opposing force, outside of him or herself, which overwhelms him or her with serious threats of detriment to his or her physical health and well-being; like facing death and the eating of swine flesh, or the consuming of raw animal blood is done to ward off starv...

The Subhuman anti-Race Americans

In The Names of The Almighty El Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Creator, The Destroyer, The Resurrecting True Savior, We Recite. Completed Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Blog # 64 Subhuman: less than human in terms of being kind, considerate and approachable: relating to someone like a thug, or one displaying behavior that is distastefully inferior in moral standards, intelligence or sophistication, to what is regarded by society as usual for human beings. The anti-Christ has successfully fashioned a Subhuman anti-Race of United States of American citizens who have great numbers among them that choose to be Destroyed by Us of The Christ in Wrath instead of surrendering wholeheartedly to Ahezaah El-Aah in moral standards, intelligence and sophistication; the so-called African-American Negro Black Colored People, which are a two-fold race of people of whom most have no True Love for their individual selves and others of their own kind. They are an absol...

In Seeking Guidance From Ahezaah El-Aah

In The Names of The Almighty El Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Giver of Faith, The All-Knowing, The True Savior, We Recite. Completed Friday, May 13, 2011 Blog # 63 You may have heard that you will be Judged by your intentions, when Judged by The All-Knowing Lord Wise, for whatever it is that you do of your deeds. You may have also heard that it is best for you to seek and accept The Truth and Guidance from Ahezaah El-Aah wherever you might find them. And many of you might believe, from hearing, that prayer, worship, and patience under the trials of fate are the keys to your success in being a righteous minded servant of Ahezaah El-Aah. These things that you have been hearing and believing are good things to hold on to and use in your search for The Truth of Ahezaah El-Aah Hu Amen Aum (The Eternal Breath in Essence of The Infinite Living Mind That Is Almighty), but Real Faith Which Comes In The Spirit of Ahezaah Allaahu Amen is The Greatest and...

In The Aftermath of May 21, 2011

In The Names of The Almighty El Ahezaah, The Almighty Lord of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Creator, The Destroyer, The Resurrecting True Savior, We Recite. Completed Thursday, May 19, 2011 Blog # 62 In The Aftermath of May 21, 2011 when great numbers of you will still be waiting in fear for what was predicted by another one of your false prophets about The Day of The Divine Apocalyptic Destruction, what will you do about the destruction in the worlds of your mind that will have come from your anxiety about that false tale? How will you face the judgment of yourselves at the throne of your folly for again believing another false prophet who thought he could guess, and do what no Divine Prophet of El could do; be Divinely Allowed to know and predict The Actual Day, The Hour, and The Moment of The True Destruction. What you are looking for in terms of the beginning of The Day of Revelation has already begun. If you open your eyes, and be truthful with yourself, you will see ...

Seeking Truth From Governments and Their False Prophets

In The Names of The Almighty El Ahezaah, The Holy Hidden Christ Shiva, The Almighty Lord of The Eternal Throne of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Righteous Judge and The Wrathful Executioner of Judgment, The All-Knowing and All-Seeing Laam Meem Raa, The True Savior of All in the worlds of mankind, We Recite. Completed Thursday, May 12, 2011 Blog # 61 Do you ever ask yourself the question, why is it that so much interest is being wasted everyday by the common citizens on the politicians and their false prophets that spew wickedness in the powerful and beautiful words they have collected to repeat under the powers of their political and emotional religious expressions that they practice on the people who willingly place their hope in them and their words? If you study for real, or if you investigate seriously from your heart because of what you sense of The Truth, in looking for The Truth, and not searching in vanity for things other than The Truth, which are generally falsely...

The Razing of Earth Eden and the Leveling of Mankind

In The Names of The Almighty El Ahezaah, The Holy Hidden Christ Shiva, The Almighty Lord of The Eternal Throne of Dominion, The Hidden Reality, The Righteous Judge and The Wrathful Executioner of Judgment, and The True Savior of All, We Recite. Completed Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Blog # 60 Mathematically in Time, and Mathematically On Time, in Being Exact about Its’ numbers of those who will be leveled in Its’ Wrath, by Our Razing of this planet of Earth Eden; This is The Way of Christ! In falsehood and in ignorance of the Holy Commands of El, billions worship and praise Jesus in the Name of Christ. They take Christ for granted, by refusing to believe that It Is Infinitely More Real than Jesus, a creature of Its’ Imaged Illusions of Life. They are fooled to believe that Jesus is Most Pleased with them for worshipping, praising, and calling out his name and proclaiming him to be the only begotten One of Its’ many Sons of The Righteous Spirit that was Created as Prophets among Hu...

The Initiator, The Sustainer, and The Owner of Life’s Choices

In The Name of The Most Holy Ahezaah, The Holy Hidden Infinite Mind of El-Aah, The Almighty Lord of The Eternal Throne of Dominion That Is Everywhere, The Hidden Reality, The One All-Seeing Eye, The One All-Hearing, The One Holy Powerful Christ, The Judge That Weighs all things in The Balance of Its’ Scales, and The Executioner of Judgment for all things Weighed by It in Its’ Authority of Being The Righteous, We Recite. Completed Monday, May 9, 2011 Blog # 59 The Holy Creator El Ahezaah Amen El-Aah is The Initiator, The Sustainer, The Owner, and The Reality That Is The Hidden Power in All Its’ Existent Forms of Being The Reality of Truth, Which Exists in everything of the illusive Life of illusions known as the Universes. It is also Hidden from those things that It is Hidden within as The Power That Causes them to Live, which It Does by Its’ Power of Life That It Maintains of Its’ Self as a Part of The All of Life in their bodies of being that are known as The Other Worlds of thin...