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Showing posts from February, 2011

Understanding That El, The Creator of All Things, Is Seen Alone by Its’ Acts

In The Holy Raised Divine Spirits of El-Ahezaah, The Creator of all things in both Life and Death, We recite these Words. February 27, 2011 Blog # 4 El, The Lord and Master of all worlds of the universes and minds of all creatures, is seen alone by insight which is given by It to whom and what It wills to have it.  There are people who have deluded themselves into a disbelief of El Being The Real Holy Power of Life in Its’ Unseen Reality that Makes all things including them be of a continuous mental existence in mind of Life, Death and the Transitional Movement between the two extreme Centers of Life and Death.   El, The Holy Ahezaah, is The Causer and The Affecter that gives Its’ Power to causes and effects in Life, Death, Activity, Inactivity, Time, Space, and Timelessness that is mathematically measured by El or left alone for it to be seen of The Immeasurable Infinite Being of Eternity, with It Being The True Center of Force Operating Unseen at ...

Acceptance of The Unseen by Faith, Love, and a Most Healthy Sense of Fear

With The Names of Ahezaah, The Holy Creator El, The One Whom is Alone and Independent of all things of creation, We Recite Its' Words. Blog # 3.....February 27, 2011 Rejection of Faith, Love, and Fear concerning the Reality of El is cause for one of the greatest downfalls of all man's kind today. The Unseen Reality of Being Who is The Holy Ubiquitous Ever-Present One That Presents Itself, in Mercy for mankind today, in The Mental Unit of Its' Holy Supreme Being to this Divine Messenger Prophet in Its' New Most Holy Name of Ahezaah is Demanding that mankind submit to Its' Rules.  Because of mankind's destructive ways in destroying the true perception of the Wisdom of the Holy Covenant and the Name of Allaah that was given to Prophet Muhaamid in The Lord's given Book that was named The Holy Qur'aan  (that which is to be recited) the latest Immaculate Name of The Truth, Ahezaah, which succeeds The Passing Most Holy Name of The ...

The Fallacy of Unconditional Love

In The Spirits, Names, and Commands of The Almighty Loving Ahezaah, El, The Lord in Reality Being The Essence of True Love, We Recite Its’ Words. February 26, 2011 Blog # 2 Even the souls of man are set under conditions that are established by The Master of Creation, although those conditions might be beyond the understanding of those to whom the souls are attached. When The Lord El created creation, in Its’ Pleasure It said Aahhhh; and, in Its’ Words of Aah came Its’ Breath in Its’ Essence of Life; with It Giving Life in Its’ Breath to all that It created, the same as It does continuously, ad infinitum (with no sign of stopping).  In the modern day way of thinking and believing about Love by many multitudes among mankind, it is this thing of unconditional Love that is now being made to sound right and best in the languages of their religions; a Love they profess to have, being without ends or limits, coming from the minds of people who are created with ends and limits to ...


In The Spirits, Names, and Commands of The Almighty Loving Ahezaah, El, The Creator of creations of both Life and Death, and the realms of evolution for the transitional processing of Life and Death for all created things including the minds of mankind, We Recite Its’ Words. February 25, 2011 Blog # 1 It has been revealed since the beginning of time for humanity that El, The Almighty and Ever-Living Supreme Being of Mind created creation in and out of Love from Itself. However, many among mankind run around in their confusion proclaiming that El created creation solely for the love of them and other things, for them not reasoning enough to see themselves and other things as being mere illusions of The Truth That The Holy El Is. They act as though El created mirrors without minds, looked into them, and fell in love with the mirrors disregarding the true purpose of the mirrors which would be for The Creator’s Reflections of Itself. Yes, El did create creation in and out of Lo...