In The Holy Raised Divine Spirits of El-Ahezaah, The Creator of all things in both Life and Death, We recite these Words. February 27, 2011 Blog # 4 El, The Lord and Master of all worlds of the universes and minds of all creatures, is seen alone by insight which is given by It to whom and what It wills to have it. There are people who have deluded themselves into a disbelief of El Being The Real Holy Power of Life in Its’ Unseen Reality that Makes all things including them be of a continuous mental existence in mind of Life, Death and the Transitional Movement between the two extreme Centers of Life and Death. El, The Holy Ahezaah, is The Causer and The Affecter that gives Its’ Power to causes and effects in Life, Death, Activity, Inactivity, Time, Space, and Timelessness that is mathematically measured by El or left alone for it to be seen of The Immeasurable Infinite Being of Eternity, with It Being The True Center of Force Operating Unseen at ...
NOTE: Respected readers: These messages are sent through Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah. Contact The Community of A.H.A.D. at